
Average Hourly Rate of Tutors in the United Kingdom

Based on nine reviews, an average hourly rate of £20 is charged for a private tutor in the United Kingdom, and a total cost of £35 per hour, excluding VAT. The average hourly rate of tutors in the United Kingdom is £16.45, which is not affected by demand or supply factors. In addition, it will be increased by 0.4% annually on average.

Many tutors work for companies like the BBC or EY to help students achieve exam results. But how much do tutors earn in the UK?

This information lets you determine whether becoming a tutor is worth your time.

We will also look at some of the top-paying jobs in the UK so you know what skills you need to become a successful tutor.

You will be given a set of three scenarios designed to illustrate how people in the United Kingdom think about the topic of “How to stop negative thoughts from controlling me”. The first scenario involves the following:

  • A student feels she needs to stop negative thoughts from controlling her. She believes these negative thoughts are holding her and that they are not hers. She feels she has no control over them and is depressed and miserable. Her friends say they are worried she might harm herself.
  • The second scenario involves the following:
  • A student who has recently been in an accident that


The average hourly rate for tutors in Wales

According to the BPS, the average wage for a tutor in Wales is £17.83 per hour.

This may seem low, but remember that tutoring is often done as part of an education degree or professional qualification. This means the average tutor is working towards their capabilities and is usually paid less than they would be paid at their day job.

So, in the UK, tutors can expect to earn between £16.50 and £23.50 per hour.

However, the hourly rate can vary depending on where you live. For example, in London, it is higher than in Wales.

In the UK, the average wage for a tutor is £17.83 per hour. This may seem low, but remember that tutoring is often done as part of an education degree or professional qualification. This means the average tutor is working towards their capabilities and is usually paid less than they would be paid at their day job.

So, in the UK, tutors can expect to earn between £16.50 and £23.50 per hour.

Average hourly rate of tutors by subject area

Finding the hourly rate of tutors working in your subject area may be possible. To do so, you’ll need to go to the National Union of Students (NUS) website to find a list of all the tutors registered with NUS.

Once you’ve found the tutors, you can find their hourly rates by going to their profile page and clicking the “hours” tab. You can also find the hourly rate of tutors in each subject by searching for “hourly rate of tutors” in the Google search bar.

A tutor’s hourly rate can vary greatly depending on whether they work part-time or full-time. For example, a tutor who works 50 hours per week and receives no additional training or bonuses typically earns around £10 per hour.

On the other hand, a full-time tutor who has taken a course in their subject can expect to earn between £15 and £25 an hour.

Average hourly rate of tutors by gender

Tutors are one of the most popular ways to learn a subject. Many of us know someone who has learned from a tutor.

But how much do tutors earn? According to the National Union of Teachers, the average hourly rate for a private tutor is £10.

If you are interested in learning about the average hourly rate of tutors, then the table below shows the average hourly rate of tutors in the United Kingdom by gender.

In this table, the average hourly rate of tutors is broken down by gender, and the highest and lowest hourly rates are also shown.

Hourly Rate of Tutors in the United Kingdom Gender Highest Hourly Rate Lowest Hourly Rate Male £13 £5 Female £11 £7 Tutor Jobs in the United Kingdom The table below looks at the demand for tutors in the United Kingdom compared to the number of tutors available. The proportion of people seeking tutoring jobs among all available is shown.

Average hourly rate of tutors by age

Many tutors work for companies like the BBC or EY to help students achieve exam results. But how much do tutors earn in the UK?

Average hourly rate of tutors by age

While there are no official figures, the average hourly rate of tutors across the UK is £15-£20 per hour.

If you want to become a tutor, the best thing to do is start looking for a job.

However, if you don’t mind the hustle, you can always find a freelance job or do side hustles such as tutoring.

The best way to find out is to keep your eyes peeled for opportunities and sign up with a few recruitment agencies.

 Frequently asked questions about Tutors

Q: How many hours of tutoring do you do per week?

A: I tutor 2-3 times a week.

Q: How much does hiring you as a tutor cost per hour?

A: It varies. If I am doing a college project or something specific to their curriculum, it would be around £50 for 1.5 hours. If I am working on general knowledge, it would be around £20 an hour.

Q: How much experience do you have?

A: I have worked in several different schools across London.

Q: What qualifications do you have?

A: I have a degree in History and Politics from University College London.

Q: What are the most common problems students have when studying?

A: My main problem with students is how hard it is to motivate them. 

 Top Myths About Tutors 

  1. The average hourly rate of tutors is high
  2. I should be a private tutor because of my high hourly rate
  3. My students will be better off if I teach them privately.


You may not realize it, but tutoring is a common way to earn extra cash in the UK. Most tutors are paid per lesson and make anywhere from £5 to £15 per hour. The average hourly rate for tutors is around £10 per hour, which is quite high.

However, it varies by experience level and location. So it’s always a good idea to ask if anyone has heard of a local tutor who might be willing to work with you.

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