Education Degree

Educational Videos That Get Views And Comments

I made a list of the most popular and shared videos on my channel and found that I got many more views than expected.

The reason? People love these videos because they are well-made and contain great information. The content of these videos is very relevant to everyone’s lives.

Have you ever tried creating educational videos for your website or blog? Maybe you have a niche site and thought, “Why not try monetizing my content?” Or perhaps you have an audience that would love to see a short educational video?

But you’re not sure where to start when it comes to making educational videos.

You’ll learn how to set up a quick video on any topic, how to create compelling videos that get views, and how to get paid for your work.

If you want to build an audience for your online business or social media page, you should start posting educational videos to help people in their lives. This is because educational videos usually have more views, comments, likes, and shares than other types of content, especially when the video is entertaining. The best thing about educational videos is that they solve a problem. People will be much more likely to share your videos when they know they can solve real-life situations.

Educational Videos That Get Views And Comments 1

How to use YouTube to drive traffic

A long time ago, YouTube was a simple place to upload videos of cats or funny videos. YouTube became popular when Vine appeared and made viral videos easier.

Today, YouTube is one of the most important resources for driving traffic to your website.

While Facebook is still king, YouTube is the king of social media. This is because YouTube has nearly 2 billion users, more than any other social media platform.

You may be asking, “Why is this relevant?” It is because YouTube has become the new SEO.

Think about it, almost every single newbie website owner is using YouTube as a way to drive traffic to their site.

So if you are a beginner blogger, you can either find a niche where you can monetize your videos, or you can go ahead and start making videos.

It would help if you did both because the traffic you get from YouTube is similar to that from Google organic searches.

Here’s an example.

Say I have a website that sells health and wellness products.

I will create a video called “How to make healthy smoothies.”

I’m going to add this video to my YouTube channel.

This will be a great video. It’s informative, and it’s entertaining.

But let’s say I also use Facebook ads to promote this video.

After the video is live, I’ll create a Facebook ad targeting people interested in “healthy” and “wellness”.

Most people who click on this ad are almost guaranteed to visit my YouTube page.

That’s right; YouTube is the new SEO.

YouTube Education Video Tips

Creating educational videos is a great way to make money online, and this post will teach you how to create educational videos that get views and comments.

I will walk you through creating a video that gets views and comments from start to finish. Let’s go!

Step 1: Choose Your Platform

This is an important step because choosing a platform that doesn’t work for you will waste your time and effort.

You can choose from various platforms, including YouTube, Vimeo, Blip. Tv, and WordPress.

I’ll be using YouTube, as it’s the most popular platform for education.

Step 2: Choose a Topic

This is your chance to decide what you’re going to teach. You don’t have to be an expert on a particular subject, but you do need to know enough to introduce the topic.

Step 3: Pick a Template

Now that you’ve picked a topic, it’s time to pick a template. There are several templates available, including:

  • Vlogs
  • How-to
  • FAQ
  • Short and sweet

Step 4: Create a Headline

Your headline should be something people will find interesting and click to watch. It should also include a keyword or phrase related to your topic.

Step 5: Write a Script

Writing a script is similar to writing a story, so you’ll need to think about how you will narrate the video.

Step 6: Create a Titling Sequence

After you’ve written a script, you can start thinking about how you will title the video. For example, you may want to use a sequence such as:

Video SEO Tips

If you’re a blogger, you may already be familiar with adding videos to your posts. But do you know how to optimize your videos? Video SEO is a subcategory of SEO that includes videos embedded into articles, blogs, and other web content.

Video SEO is a complex topic, but the good news is that you don’t need any special skills to get started. The following steps will help you optimize your video and get more views.

  1. Optimize Your Title

Your title is the first thing viewers will see when they arrive on your page. You should include the keywords that describe your video’s content and the target audience.

For example, if your video is about how to make homemade pizza, you can use the title “How to Make Homemade Pizza.” The key word here is “homemade.”

A better title might be “Top 10 Ways to Make Homemade Pizza.” It’s the same information, but the title uses a longer keyword phrase that is easier to remember.

Use the title tag of your video to explain to Google what your video is about. For example, if your video is about making homemade pizza, you can include “how to make homemade pizza” in the title tag.

  1. Include Keywords in the Description

The description box is a great place to promote your video. You can mention your target audience, add links to your social media pages, and let your viewers know you have a website.

  1. Use YouTube Tags

YouTube has several tags that you can use to promote your video. These tags appear above and below your video, respectively. For example, you can use the related tag and the keyword tag.

You can also include the YouTube URL and the channel name in the description. These tags show up next to your video on the search results page.

  1. Use Keywords in Your Content

The content of your video is a big factor in whether your video gets views.

How to use

Educational videos are great for increasing conversions. People love watching videos, especially when they are short and informative.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind:

Make sure your videos are short and informative.

Don’t use your videos to advertise anything; don’t include a call to action at the end. Your goal is to educate; don’t, not to sell.

Your videos should be a sales tool if you’re trying to make money. If that’s the case, then your videos need to be longer. You can always add a call to action at the end.

Frequently asked questions about Educational Videos.

Q: What are some things that make educational videos that get views and comments?

A: There is no secret or shortcut to getting views and comments on educational videos. You need to create a video that people want to watch, and then you need to post it to social media. All of the videos I have created with my friends on YouTube have gotten views and comments, but they don’t have anything special.

Q: Why do people comment and share your videos?

A: People comment and share your videos because they enjoy the content. The videos clearly explain what they are looking for in an educational video.

Q: What do you think would make your videos more popular?

A: People comment and share my videos because they enjoy them. I think it is important to create a video that interests people.

Top Myths about Educational Videos

  1. People are buying my videos because they think they will get rich quickly.
  2. People buy my videos because they want to look good or get fit.
  3. People are buying my videos because they want.


The reason educational videos are so effective is because they are usually short. This means they tend to be highly engaging and can keep viewers’ attention.

Another reason why educational videos are so popular is because they are often educational themselves. They teach you something new about the topic.

That said, there are a lot of reasons why educational videos are a great option for making money online.

For one thing, they’re a very cheap way to start making money online. You can shoot them yourself and upload them to YouTube for free.

Additionally, they’re also a relatively easy type of video to create.

And finally, they’re extremely effective. So, when done well, they can bring in a lot of views and comments.

So if you’re looking to start making money online, I recommend trying to come up with some ideas. Once you have a few, start shooting and uploading to YouTube.

532 posts

About author
Organizer. Communicator. Explorer. Problem solver. Coffee guru. Internet fan. Hardcore gamer. Soccer lover, ramen eater, drummer, Mad Men fan and RGD member. Operating at the sweet spot between minimalism and computer science to create strong, lasting and remarkable design. Let's chat.